Advanced customer support, and much more!

My 7 years of customer service experience comes with much more than just that! Here is a complete list of services included in the packages below:

  • Advanced Customer Support

  • Data Entry & Administrative Tasks

  • Email List Management & Campaigns

  • Recruitment/Talent Acquisition

Customer Service/Administrative Packages

  • Basic Package

    $125 per week

    5 hours

    All VA services included

  • Standard Package

    $250 per week

    10 hours

    All VA services Included

  • Premium Package

    $500 per week

    20 hours

    All VA services included

  • Platinum Package

    $1000 per week

    40 hours

    All VA services included

Why is my customer support considered advanced?


Customer service is the most important part of any business. It can be the difference between losing a customer and retaining a customer, or maybe even gaining a new customer. If you want to ensure you have someone that knows the importance of going above and beyond for a customer then I'm your guy!

I have 7 years of customer service experience where I have worked in all realms of service such as inbound/outbound phone calls, live chat support, email, and communicating over social media platforms. Over half of my customer service experience was as an escalations supervisor for the retention department of a company I used to work for. We handled customers that were requesting a supervisor, or that were transferred to us due to belligerent behavior such as making threats, acting inappropriately, etc. No matter how crazy the customer, I have handled crazier.

  • General Inquiry (Billing, Shipments, Appointments)

  • Customer Retention

  • Customer Escalations

  • Sales

  • Technical Support

Make sure your customer service is the best it can be. Hire a professional, and get back to focusing on the part of your business that you are passionate about.

Without customers you don’t have a business

Customer Support Services

  • General support is great if you are a small business or independent contractor that needs help with managing your social media messages and emails. This could a wide variety of inquiries such as billing, shipments, scheduling, etc. Once I learn the ropes of your business and how you operate I can quickly free up a lot of time for you by handling your customers communication and making sure they have a great experience!

  • Both retention and escalations are something that every business may need at some point, and if I am handling your customer support then you can rest assured these skills come with me. I have spent a lot of time in customer service and many of the years of experience were spent in escalations handling some of the more… difficult… customers. I have perfected my ability to handle these difficult situations efficiently while keeping in mind the best interest of both the customer, and the business I represent.

  • All businesses need a good sales rep to build a network of high quality and reliable customers. If sales is something that your business needs I can help with that too. With me you can ensure that the person selling to your customers is looking out for them, as well as your business. If you don’t make sales a business can’t operate, but it is also important to ensure your sales people are taking care of the customer and not doing anything that can cause disputes, which will cost money, later on. With me you will get the right kinds of sales from someone who is dependable and accountable.

  • Technical support services are not required for every business but if it is something you need then you can count on me! I spent many years in technical support and it taught me patience and how to be very detailed when explaining things to customers so that nothing important is missed. Professionalism and attention to detail makes good tech support, and that is exactly what you will get from me.